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Introduction to Batches

How to create and submit batches, groups of related items

Seth Thoburn avatar
Written by Seth Thoburn
Updated over a week ago

Batches are a great way to input a large number of related items into ConsignCloud quickly and easily. With the ability to copy values from previous rows and submit as you go, batches can save you a lot of time when adding new inventory.

To create a batch, navigate to inventory and select the “Batches” tab. Next, select “Actions” » “Create Batch.” Enter a batch number or leave it blank to autogenerate. You may also add a description for your records.

Once you create the batch, you can start adding items to it. Several fields are shown by default in the spreadsheet. You can view all the fields for an item by pressing the edit icon at the end of the row. You can show additional fields with the plus icon in the top right. Whenever you add a new item it will copy all values from the previous one. This makes it easy to input related items as they will have many values in common.

If you only want to share some field values, input only those values and then add some new items. The values from the previous row will be copied and you can now edit each row with further values. If you need to remove an item, press the edit icon at the end of the row and press “Remove Item from Batch” at the bottom.

Once you have finalized the data on your items, you can press “Review Batch” to begin submitting it. A small summary is displayed. If everything looks right, press “Submit Batch.” If any of your items are invalid, you may need to make edits. If all the items are good, your batch will be submitted, creating the items.

You can click back into the batch if you want to see your submitted items. You can also add more items and resubmit the batch if you want to submit it as you go. However, all changes are saved as you type, so there is no need to submit a batch before it is ready.

Purchase Orders and Batches

Batches can also be used to generate purchase orders. Purchase orders serve as a record for both the store and the consignor of the items which were brought in. While you aren't "purchasing" consignment items, this is the term used for this type of document.

To generate a purchase order, turn on the generate purchase order toggle when submitting the batch. A purchase order will be generated for each consignor with items in the batch. These purchase orders can be viewed in the Purchase Orders tab at the top of the batch. To ensure the agreement is binding, print out the purchase order for your consignor to review and sign.

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