A common approach to economizing your label usage is using a "2-Up" printing format. What this means is that instead of printing a single label per sheet, two (or more) copies of the label are printed on a single sheet of paper with a perforation down the middle.
Due to a recent update, we can now support the printing of these 2-Up labels!
First, design a label that fits the size of one of the labels on that double label. (You won't be designing both sides, just one.) So for example, when using a vertically-split label like this one, you would design a label that is half the size.
On the right hand side, you would then select "Multiple Labels per Page" and for most common 2-Up printing styles you would put 2 in "Labels per row".
If you've done this correctly, you should end up with each sheet having two labels printed on it, one on each side of the perforation.